1. on this chart is the same as 19. on chart #1.
P: Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Taagerup, Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
2. Niels Christian Christensen
P: Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Korrestedet, Volstrup, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
5. Karen Christensen Hansen
P: Volstrup, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Taagerup, Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Taagerup, Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Volstrup, Hjorring, Denmark
1. Anna Margarethe Nielsen
P: Taagerup, Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
P: Taagerup, Ramlose, Fredriksborg, Denmark
6. Peder Larsen Larsen Laursen
12. Danske Laurs Pedersen
P: Osterengen, Voer, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Ortoft, Volstrup, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Ortoft, Volstrup, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Ortoft, Volstrup, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Lutheran Church, Albaek, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Volstrup, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Independence, Madison, Idaho
Niels Christian Hansen (spouse of 1.)
P: Brunvang, Voer, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Faurholt, Albaek, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Faurholt, Albaek, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Gandrup, Vester Hassing, Aalborg, Denmark
P: Volstrup, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Spring City, Sanpete, Utah
P: Albaek, Hjorring, Denmark
P: Hals, Vester Hassing, Aalborg, Denmark
P: Gandrup, Vester Hassing, Aalborg, Denmark
P: Gandrup, Vester Hassing, Aalborg, Denmark
16 Nov 2006
P: Gandrup, Vester Hassing, Aalborg, Denmark
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