James Jensen Family Tree (Genealogy Site)

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Pedigree Chart



8. Father of 4.
16. Father of 8.


17. Mother of 8.
18. Father of 9.
9. Mother of 4.
19. Mother of 9.
4. Father of 2.
10. Father of 5.
20. Father of 10.
21. Mother of 10.
2. Father of 1.
22. Father of 11.
5. Mother of 2.
11. Mother of 5.
23. Mother of 11.
1. Child of 2. & 3.
B: Birth date
6. Father of 3.
12. Father of 6.
24. Father of 12.
P: Birth place
M: Marriage date
P: Marriage place
25. Mother of 12.
D: Death date
P: Death place
(spouse of 1.)
26. Father of 13.
3. Mother of 1.
7. Mother of 3.
13. Mother of 6.
27. Mother of 13.



14. Father of 7.
28. Father of 14.
Prepared by
29. Mother of 14.
James Jensen
371 W 4th S


Rexburg, ID 83440


30. Father of 15.
15.Mother of 7.


31. Mother of 15.
Date prepared

16 Nov 2006




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James Jensen Family Tree (Genealogy Site)

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